Sleep makes getting back to routine less exhausting

September 5, 2022

Goodbye Summer.  Hello routine.

We just wrapped up summer and the fun and carefree living that comes along with it - staying up late enjoying the fireworks, hanging out by the campfire watching the stars, relaxing by the beach or pool, and eating on the patio.   

September means the end of vacation mode and getting back to routine.  Packing lunches, getting the kids to school, refocusing on work, and finding time to exercise.   Transitioning back to routine can be chaotic and exhausting.

Be kind to yourself by setting realistic expectations on what you can achieve each day, make time for self-care and get good sleep.   

Prioritize Sleep

Make sleep a priority by getting good quality sleep every night.  This is especially important as you adjust to your new fall schedule. Go to bed at a reasonable time, don’t read in bed, and turn off all screens.  Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

If you have difficulty falling asleep, Dream Water is here to help.

Dream Water’s proprietary SleepStat blend of Melatonin, GABA, and 5-HPT is formulated to help you fall asleep, fast and wake up refreshed.  Dream Water has 5mg of melatonin, which helps govern the body’s internal clock that regulates your natural cycle of sleeping and waking.  GABA helps promote relaxation. 5-HTP helps improve sleep quality, 

Dream Water sleep products include a line-up of liquid sleep shots in Snoozeberry and Nectar flavors, Beauty Sleep Shots, Sleep Gummies, and Sleep Powder

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